Free Illustration Workbook

As my gift to you, here is a sample of my Picture Book Illustration e-Course (PBIC) Workbook. All I need to know is where to send it. You will also receive Nina News. I love to share, but not too often, not too much, and always in support of your creative journey. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

Valued at $10, it is 100% free. No credit card required.

Allison Howard

You have taught me so much about how I work as an artist and shown me what I need to do to become the creator I want to be. Thanks for opening my eyes Nina, I can't explain enough how much you have helped me. Picture Book Illustration e-Course, 2022

Lillian Burgess

I love your step-by-step process that taught us how to break down an overwhelming task into clear and do-able steps. You are a good teacher, Nina, but it is your generous heart and community-building spirit that really make this course special. Picture Book Illustration e-Course, 2022

Lara Porter

Nina is so experienced and her teaching via videos, workbooks, and live sessions really kept my interest and covered all aspects of the industry, not just the drawing, which I really appreciated. It really is the whole package. Picture Book Illustration e-Course, 2022

Learn Character Design

In this FREE mini-course, you will learn my 3-step approach to DISCOVER, DESIGN, and DRAW a fun picture book character. 

Join My Free Character Design Mini-Course

Where do I send your access link?

You will also receive Nina news – I love to share, but not too often, not too much, and always in support of your creative journey. And you can unsubscribe at any time.